When joint 6 is at Zero, it should be in the following position:
The range of the absolute encoder of joint 6 is ±420◦. Therefore, you must always rotate joint 6 within that range before deactivating the robot or shutting down the robot. Failure to do so may lead to an offset of ±120◦ in joint 6.
To resolve this:
- Shut down the robot and disconnect your tooling.
- Power up the robot, activate it and home it.
- Send the command "MoveJoints(0,0,0,0,0,720)".
- Power down the robot.
- Reactivate it, home it and send the command "MoveJoints(0,0,0,0,0,0)".
- If J6 is still has an offset, Shut down the robot and Repeat steps 2-6 one more time.