Version 10.3.0
• (ROBOT-3179) Support monitoring (read-only) connection from cyclic protocols.
• (ROBOT-3190) API command to remotely reboot the robot.
• (ROBOT-3191) New simplified user log and detailed event log available for download in MecaPortal.
• (ROBOT-3121) Support EtherNet/IP and Profinet at 1ms cycle time (MCS500 robot).
• (ROBOT-3177) New APIs to manage robot calibration (SetCalibrationCfg, GetCalibrationCfg, GetRobotCalibrated).
• (ROBOT-3251) Reducing the maximum joint velocities with SetJointVelLimit now increases accelerations (in both joint and Cartesian spaces), allowing much quicker short distance moves.
• (ROBOT-3284) Meca500 r4 APIs are now reporting the EStop 'resettable' state.
• (ROBOT-3186) Mecademicpy RobotRtData does not populate data correctly when in Monitor mode.
• (ROBOT-3210) MecaPortal crash when user program name ends with slash.
Version 10.2.1
• (ROBOT-2970) New API GetSafetyStopStatus to query, on the control port, the safety stop status.
• (ROBOT-3022) New robot diagnostic panel in the MecaPortal (Mcs500 only).
• (ROBOT-2624) Profinet stack updated in order to pass newer version of Profinet certification (version 2.44).
• (ROBOT-2706) MecaPortal code editor has new buttons to save/load programs from local PC disk.
• (ROBOT-2708) Enable or disable EtherNet/IP, Profinet and EtherCAT from MecaPortal's
network configuration page.
• (ROBOT-2993) Checkpoint real-time monitoring event (id 2227) is now automatically sent on the monitoring port.
• (ROBOT-3004) PStop1 and PStop2 safety signals are now always masked while the robot is in Manual operation mode (regardless of whether the enabling device is pressed or not).
• (ROBOT-3005) New 'checkpoint discarded' event (code 3040) sent when a checkpoint is
discarded for any reason (motion cleared, robot in error, robot deactivated, etc.).
• (ROBOT-2896) Error messages on 4 axis robots sometimes refer to 6 Cartesian parameters instead of 4.
• (ROBOT-3047) Motion Error on Meca500 after robot activation or error reset when time
scaling is not 100%.
• (ROBOT-3062) Failure to recover Meca500 drive after upgrade failure.
Version 10.1.1
• (ROBOT-1253) EtherNet/IP protocol is now certifed with version CT20.
• (ROBOT-2122) Show robot work zone and tool sphere in robot 3D view.
• (ROBOT-2866) Meca500 Ethernet ports are not always linking with some switches or devices.
• (ROBOT-2890) Meca500 in EthetCAT mode remains busy after trying to activate while in
• (ROBOT-2934) Gripper force sometimes overshoot when holding part.
• (ROBOT-2958) Calibrated robot may slightly move in another direction when at joint limits.
• (ROBOT-2959) Robot calibration cannot be not fully disabled.
• (ROBOT-2975) Vacuum pressure is always reported as 0 in cyclic protocols.
Version 10.1.0
• (ROBOT-2239) New robot API command ’SetPStop2Cfg’/’GetPStop2Cfg’ for PStop2 configuration.
• (ROBOT-2451) Support for collision prevention and work zone features:
– New robot API command ’SetCollisionCfg’/’GetCollisionCfg’ for collision prevention
– New robot API command ’SetWorkZoneCfg’/’GetWorkZoneCfg’ for work zone configuration.
– New robot API command ’SetWorkZoneLimits’/’GetWorkZoneLimits’ for defining work
zone bounding box.
– New robot API command ’SetToolSphere’/’GetToolSphere’ for defining tool sphere model.
– New field ’CollisionStatus’ in ’RobotStatus’ cyclic protocol data.
– New field ’WorkZoneStatus’ in ’RobotStatus’ cyclic protocol data.
– Visual representations for reporting feature events in MecaPortal.
• (ROBOT-2825) Support for Mcs500 safety behaviors:
– Support for Operation modes and key switch selector.
– Support for speed limitation to 250 mm/s in Manual mode.
– Support for safety standstill monitoring.
– Conditional logic for 3-position enabling device.
– New structure ’SafetyStatus’ and fields related to safety signals in cyclic protocol data.
• (ROBOT-2784) Gripper instabilities while holding part.
• (ROBOT-2833) Issues related to robot running large offline programs.
• (ROBOT-2837) SetTimeScaling not working on Meca500 on EtherCAT.
• (ROBOT-2859) Mcs500 cyclic data for joint limits of joint 4 reports no data.
• (ROBOT-2891) Brake Release not allowed if Pstop2 is on.
• (ROBOT-2898) Some state change events were sent on Control port instead of Monitoring port (safety stops, torque limit status).
• (ROBOT-2907) Robot activation may fail if robot is moving when trying to activate (tool
weight causing movement due to gravity for example). The robot may now post-pone activation by few seconds, waiting until it stopped moving.
The following behavior changes have been implemented in version 10.1.
If you are upgrading from a previous version (ex. 10.0 or 9.3), this section will be of particular importance:
• (ROBOT-2784) In fixing the instabilities issues, the overall speed of the gripper has been reduced.
In cases where the legacy max gripper velocity is required, ’SetGripperVel’ can accept up to 200%, but will only go to those excess speeds when the gripper force is at 100%.
• (ROBOT-2939) The method for resuming robot motion using cyclic protocols (EtherCAT, EtherNet/IP or Profinet) has changed.
In addition to clearing ’Pause Motion’ and ’Clear Motion’ bits, resuming motion now also requires to set the ’Resume Motion’ bit.
This ’Resume Motion’ bit is replacing the previous ’Reset PStop2’ bit in the cyclic data, now that the ’Resume Motion’ command has been generalized. In fact, the ’Resume Motion’ command is now used not only to resume paused motion, but also to recover from safety stop signals (such as PStop2, enabling device released or connection dropped) or recover from collision or work zone event.
Note that motion is resumed only upon rising edge of the ’Resume Motion’ bit so if, for any reason, the robot is refusing to resume motion (PStop2 signal is still present for example) the application will have to clear the ’Resume Motion’ bit and set it again later.
• The alpha feature denoted WorkspaceLimits has been deprecated.
Commands from WorkspaceLimits (SetWorkspaceLimitsCfg, GetWorkspaceLimitsCfg, SetWorkspaceLimits, GetWorkspaceLimits) have been changed for new commands.
Please refer to the Programming Manual for equivalent commands in the work zone and collision prevention features.
Version 10.0.4
• (ROBOT-2783) Meca500 joint offset after activation without homing.
• (ROBOT-2811) Mcs500 can’t move to joint 3 limits with MoveLinVel when TRF has Z offset.
• (ROBOT-2815) MecaPortal visual scaling enhancements.
• (ROBOT-2823) Missing response to SetTimeScaling.
• (ROBOT-2832) Some MSIPS R1 power supplies (for Mcs500 robots) generate a fatal error
after a long press on the reset button.
• (ROBOT-2833) Robot becomes unresponsive when starting too many large offline programs.
• (ROBOT-2834) Profinet and EtherNet/IP cyclic data is delayed when starting a large program.
Version 10.0.3
• (ROBOT-892) Support for new Mcs500 Scara robot.• (ROBOT-1598) Support for robot calibration (with full DH parameters and more).
• (ROBOT-2552) Support for time scaling (real-time robot execution speed control without
affecting the followed trajectory).
• (ROBOT-2680) Various minor MecaPortal enhancements.
• (ROBOT-2682) Support for new Mvk01 vacuum and digital IO module for Mcs500 robot.
New API calls allow to control vacuum and digital IOs.
• (ROBOT-2700) New MoveJump command for Mcs500 robot.
• (ROBOT-2746) Pause motion now follows planned path (no more ignores blending).
The following behavior changes have been implemented in version 10.0.
If you are upgrading from a previous version (ex. 9.3), this section will be of particular importance:
• (ROBOT-1687) EtherCAT COE is not supported on Mcs500 robots (though cyclic PDO communication protocol remains the same on both Mcs500 and Meca500 robots).
• (ROBOT-2641) Behavior of the Delay command has been changed on Mcs500 robots to be more consistent.
On Meca500 robots, the Delay command is being blended with previous/next commands when executed in joint space but not in Cartesian space.
On Mcs500 robots, the Delay command is now always causing the robot to come to a complete stop before the requested delay duration starts to be applied.
• (ROBOT-2746) Robot behavior during PauseMotion and ClearMotion have slightly changed:
– Deceleration period has been uniformized to 100ms in both Joint and Cartesian
modes (in Joint mode it used to depend on joint acceleration and could thus take
very long to stop moving).
– Deceleration is now made along the planned path, including blending (it used to ignore blending and stop like if blending was always set to 0 percent).
Version 9.3.7
• (ROBOT-2783) Meca500 joint offset after activation without homing.
Version 9.3.6
• (ROBOT-2866) Meca500 Ethernet ports are not always linking with some swithes or devices.
• (ROBOT-2890) Meca500 in EthetCAT mode remains busy after trying to activate while in
• (ROBOT-2934) Gripper force sometimes overshoot when holding part.
Version 9.3.5.
• (ROBOT-2784) Fix gripper instabilities while holding part.
Version 9.3.4
- (ROBOT-2670) Accept lower Joint speed values.
- (ROBOT-2699) WRF/TRF lost after Clear Motion.
- (ROBOT-2724) Self- collision detection was erroneously enabled by default on new robots.
Version 9.3.3
- (ROBOT-2528) Various MecaPortal enhancements.
Version 9.3.2-beta
- (ROBOT-2475) Various improvements on MecaPortal beta.
- (ROBOT-2466) Various MecaPortal enhancements.
- (ROBOT-2489) Fix gripper force after resetting a motion error.
- (ROBOT-2495) Better detection and resiliency for communication errors with external tool.
- (ROBOT-2515) Robot may be unresponsive after staying in error for a long time.
Version 9.3.1-beta
- (ROBOT-2489) Fix gripper force after resetting a motion error.
Version 9.3.0-beta
- (ROBOT-1070) ALPHA release of new API to define the robot workspace in cartesian space.
- (ROBOT-1597) new MecaPortal interface to control the robot.
- Enhance jogging interface.
- Full-feature code editor with multi-tab support, code completion, help tooltip, error detection and more.
- Offline program management with option to easily save and load programs on the robot.
- New configuration panel.
- (ROBOT-2401) Increased Meca500-R4 maximum joint velocities.
Version 9.2.7
- (ROBOT-2495) Better detection and resiliency for communication errors with external tool.
Version 9.2.6
- (ROBOT-2515) Robot may be unresponsive after staying in error for long time.
Version 9.2.5
- (ROBOT-2489) Fix gripper force after resetting a motion error.
Version 9.2.4
- (ROBOT-2427) Robot performs joint move instead of linear move in rare case of extreme change of direction at very high speed.
- (ROBOT-2433) Syntax error in EDS file (EthernetIP)
- (ROBOT-2435) Blending of valve control command (SetValveState) with cartesian motion commands.
- (ROBOT-2450) Add optional argument to ActivateRobot to allow forcing a re-initialization.
Version 9.2.2
- (ROBOT-2421) Brakes are not always engaged at full strength when drives are deactivated or brakes are re-engage manually.
Version 9.2.1
- (ROBOT-1063) Support for meca500 revision 4 robots.
- (ROBOT-2271) Support for EStop without rebooting the robot (on Meca500 revision 4+ only)
- (ROBOT-2308) Homing the robot is now required only once after boot-up.
- (ROBOT-2372) Reduce velocity effects on gripper force.
Version 9.1.5
- (ROBOT-2343) New robot API command 'GetExtToolFwVersion'.
- (ROBOT-2360) Prevent writing to permanent storage during bootup if not required.
- (ROBOT-2361) Potential boot failure after upgrading.
Version 9.1.4
- (ROBOT-2291) Dynamic Data incorrectly described in EtherCAT XML file.
- (ROBOT-2299) Error in EtherNet/IP EDS file in description of dynamic array 0 data in input data assembly.
Version 9.1.3
- (ROBOT-2280) Joint 5 may be off by 1.5 degrees after homing from specific positions.
Version 9.1.2
- (ROBOT-1074) Profinet protocol support.
- (ROBOT-2224) When loop is enabled, using the step button runs the whole program.
Version 9.1.1
- (ROBOT-1871) Improved precision of linear moves near singularities.
- (ROBOT-2133) Support starting offline programs using EtherCAT.
- (ROBOT-1939) Linear move may cause incorrect conf change near joint limits.
- (ROBOT-2157) All LEDs keep flashing in EtherCAT mode.
Version 9.1.0
- (ROBOT-0410) New EtherCAT and Ethernet/IP cyclic data to get all robot information (WRF, TRF, Motion queue, real-time data...).
- (ROBOT-0552) New robot API command 'MoveJointRel'.
- (ROBOT-0775) New robot API command 'setExtToolSim' to emulate gripper or valve box.
- (ROBOT-1049) new robot API command ' SetRobotName' / 'GetRobotName'.
- (ROBOT-1087) Support robot recovery mode.
- (ROBOT-1152) Pneumatic module independent valves control.
- (ROBOT-1464) New real-time events on monitoring port for WRF, TRF, checkpoint and gripper/valve-box status.
- (ROBOT-1564) New robot API commands 'SetCtrlPortMonitoring' and 'Sync'.
- (ROBOT-1614) Gripper Position Control.
- (ROBOT-1748) Cartesian moves are now possible from/to/through singularities in some cases.
- (ROBOT-0920) Robot is now rebooted automatically after any firmware upgrades (including drives and external tools.
The following behavior have been implemented in version 9.
If you are upgrading from a previous version (ex. 8.4), this section will be of particular importance.
- (ROBOT-0410) EtherNet/IP and EtherCAT cyclic data format has changed. Some data, previously reported by the robot for every cycle, has been moved and is now available only through new 'Dynamic data'. This includes: Joint velocities, Joint torque ratios, Accelerometer, and Gripper status.
- (ROBOT-1732) Torque limit status (3028) is sent every time torque limit status changes (exceeded or not) for events severity different than 'no action'. Torque limit error (3029) is also sent if torque limit severity is set to 'error'.
Responses and messages:
3028[0|1] Torque limit status (not detected, detected)
3029 Excessive torque error occurred causing the robot to enter error state. - (ROBOT-1815) SetConf Behavior changes in version 9.0.5 related to 'SetConf' and 'SetConfTurn'.
In version 8, using 'MoveJoints' or 'MoveJointsVel' would override any value previously provided using 'SetConf' / 'SetConfTurn'
In version 9, 'MoveJoints' and 'MoveJointsVel' will no longer override values provided using 'SetConf' / 'SetConfTurn'.
If previous behavior is required: use 'SetAutoConf(0)' / 'SetAutoConfTurn(0)' after 'MoveJoints' / 'MoveJointsVel' to update requested conf/turn from new joints position
'SetAutoConfTurn' is now enabled by default (it was disabled by default, forced to turn 0)
Behavior change in real-time "conf" ('GetRtTargetConf', 'GetRtConf', and corresponding real-time data codes 2208/2218):
When the robot position is on a singularity, the conf reported will be 0 (it used to be arbitrary 1 or -1). This is useful for users to know the robot is on a singularity and that position may be considered valid in both conf (+1 or -1). Example, on Wrist singularity the conf could be reported as (1,1,0) - (ROBOT-2169) The behavior of linear moves' 180 degrees protection has changed.
Old behavior: The robot used to prevent linear moves that caused any joint to move by more than 180 degrees. This was blocking some valid linear moves from being performed.
New behavior: The robot refuses a linear move if the initial and final orientations are 180 degrees from each other (in which case there is ambiguity about the direction along which the robot end-effector should be rotating).
- (ROBOT-0820) 'End of offline program' event inconsistent when running multiple programs.
Version 8.4.9
- (ROBOT-2866) Reduce CPU usage of fix for Meca500 for auto-MDIX negotiation with some partner PHY.
Version 8.4.8
- (ROBOT-2866) Add advanced ethernet option for Meca500 to fix auto-MDIX negotiation with some partner PHY.
- (ROBOT-2929) Fixed problems with R2 robots joint positions that may occasionally be slightly off after homing.
Version 8.4.7
- (ROBOT-2416) Fix homing on a Meca500R2.
- (ROBOT-2421) Brakes re not always engaged at full strength when drives are deactivated or brakes are re-engaged manually.
Version 8.4.6
- (ROBOT-1946) Joint torque ratio does not work properly in EtherCAT.
- (ROBOT-2360) Prevent writing to permanent storage during bootup if not required.
Version 8.4.5
- (ROBOT-1763) Checkpoint events sent too late when SetCheckpoint is used between MovePose commands.
- (ROBOT-1765) Homing fails when joint 6 is near 360 degrees.
- (ROBOT-1779) Expand valid joint ranges for mastering R2 robots.
Version 8.4.4
- (ROBOT-1416) New command to enable logging of all API commands and responses to robot log (TCP/IP, EIP and ECAT)
- (ROBOT-1377) Monitoring events don't always respect the requested interval.
- (ROBOT-1468) MoveLin gets interrupted by setGripperVel.
- (ROBOT-1481) Delay command sometimes lasts longer than requested.
Version 8.4.3
- (ROBOT-1362) Robot can't recover PStop2 during velocity-mode moves.
- (ROBOT-1371) Debug trace level unexpectedly set back to 3 when ECAT master connects to the robot.
- (ROBOT-1372) Random out-of-workspace or singularity errors during linear moves.
Version 8.4.2
- (ROBOT-1266) Gripper not working with R2 robots.
- (ROBOT-1295) Can't deactivate in EtherCAT after failure to reset error.
- (ROBOT-1323) Robot no more responding if new error occurs while clearing previous error.
- (ROBOT-1337) ECAT slave can invert order of status PDO sent to master if using short cycle time.
Version 8.4.1
- (ROBOT-1294) Visible web interface panels can now be chosen while connected in Monitoring mode.
- (ROBOT-1247) Ethernet link myst remain down until robot is ready to handle EtherCAT frames.
Version 8.4.0
- (ROBOT-0355) Many new TCP/Web "Get" commands (corresponding to various "Set" commands). see documentation for details.
- (ROBOT-0633) Support for moving joint 6 outside +- 180 degrees with Cartesian moves.
- (ROBOT-0708) Support user-defined joint limits (Get/SetJointLimits).
- (ROBOT-1051) Support user-defined torques limits (Get/setTorqueLimits).
- (ROBOT-1129) Support for real-time monitoring data on port 10001 (joint position, velocity, accelerometer, etc.).
- (ROBOT-1211) Fixed homing timeout over Ethernet/IP with R2 robots.
- New TCP/web commands (TcpDump, SetRtc, LogTrace)
- (ROBOT-1099) Lower minimum gripper/velocity force limit to 5 percent.
- (ROBOT-1108) Checkpoints are not cleared from FIFO buffer after ClearMove.
- (ROBOT-1137) File descriptor leak (socket) in EIP stack.
- (ROBOT-1233) Possible network configuration file corruption fix.
- (ROBOT-1234) Improve EtherCAT timing (down to 1ms).
- (ROBOT-1286) EtherNet/IP EDS is using 64 bits field which are incompatible with some PLCs.
Version 8.3.10
- Robot production improvements.
Version 8.3.6
- (ROBOT-0939) Motion Resumed response should not be sent after Homing or deactivating robot.
- (ROBOT-0974) Network settings dialog in web interface may report wrong values.
- (ROBOT-1009) In some situation, autoconf does not choose the closest (least movement) robot configuration upon a MovePose.
Version 8.3.5-beta
- (ROBOT-0149) Support for the Ethernet/IP control protocol.
- (ROBOT-0699) Precise (1um) Position Control Incremental Move (jogging) in web interface. When using Incremental jogging, standard motion errors will be triggered if the robot reaches a joint limit or a singularity.
- (ROBOT-0919) The requirement of pressing the CTRL key to jog with a joystick key has been removed.
- (ROBOT-0912) Robot is now rebooted automatically after any firmware upgrades (including drives an external tools).
- (ROBOT-0871) If activation fails, robot enters an invalid state where the motors stay activated.
- (ROBOT-0918) 0G and brake release doesn't work before a first robot activation.
- (ROBOT-0967) Receiving [3000]|Connected to Meca500 R3 v8.1.x| message before boot sequence finishes.
- (ROBOT-0976) PStop reset does not work in some cases.
Version 8.1.9
- (ROBOT-0385) Cannot reconnect to robot in some cases (report user already connected while there is none).
- (ROBOT-0857) The commands 'ResetError' and DeactivateRobot' do no always return a response message.
- (ROBOT-0861) The reset error command triggers an EOB response if there is an error to reset.
- (ROBOT-0913) Upgrade from Beta/RC versions causes calibration parameters to be lost.
- (ROBOT-0960) The web interface sends 'MoveJointsVel' event if the robot has reached its destination while jogging in the web portal.
Version 8.1.8
- (ROBOT-0595) SpaceMouse and 3-axis joystick are now supported and update the icon files.
- (ROBOT-0826) The web interface does not return the actual network configuration in the setting menu.
- (ROBOT-0829) Joint position is offset by one motor turn after doing homing from some positions.
- (ROBOT-0845) SetMotionOptions triggers 'Robot is not activated' response.
Version 8.1.7
- (ROBOT-0752) The motion profile of the robot could have an overshoot during acceleration and deceleration if the acceleration is not initialized.
- (ROBOT-0766) The robot positions reported in EtherCAT oscillate between the desired and actual position.
- (ROBOT-0776) For some motion sequences, the robot stops moving for about 60 seconds once every 71 minutes.
Version 8.1.6
- (ROBOT-0734) Web interface sends a velocity command (with speed 0) when the window is losing focus
- (ROBOT-0744) Robot persistent storage can be corrupted if power is interrupted while the robot was logging an activity trace.
Version 8.1.5

- (ROBOT-0697) Incorrect SetGripperForce parameter range in the web interface.
Version 8.1.4
- (ROBOT-0666) A raw TCP/IP connection was wrongfully detected as a WebSocket connection.
- (ROBOT-0667) Gripper commands were executed with preceding Cartesin-space motion commands. They are now executed only when the mouvement is completed, as in firmware 7.
- (ROBOT-0668) Modifications were made to the robot joint mode acceleration. Acceleration can now be set at up to 150%.
- (ROBOT-0675) Restored the same default acceleration (100%) as in firmware 7.
Version 8.1.3-rc
- (ROBOT-0650) Upload of update image to robot's web interface was blocked.
- (ROBOT-0652) Monitoring connections from the web interface were not closed correctly.
- (ROBOT-0659) Looping in web interface was not working when using commands that don't make the robot move.
Version 8.1.2-rc
- (ROBOT-0392) Support for the protective stop 2 (Stop Category 2) in the robot controller.
Version 8.1.1-rc
- (ROBOT-0495) Cartesian-space movements that require joint rotations of more than 180° are now blocked. This limit can be bypassed with a special command.
- A Jogging toggle button was added in the web interface to switch between jogging and program execution modes.
- (ROBOT-0067) Added motion commands allowing velocity-mode control. You can now feed the desired Cartesian or joint velocity to the robot every 2ms.
- (ROBOT-0066) Jogging can now be done using 3Dconnexion's SpaceMouse from the new Joystick tab in the web interface.
- (ROBOT-0548) Added the command SetNetworkOptions for setting network parameters.
- (ROBOT-0496) Added the command GetFwVersion for obtaining the firmware version.
- (ROBOT-0540) Added FIFO Cleared status bit to report when a ClearMotion command has been executed in EtherCAT.
- (ROBOT-0403) Added SDO 0x8010 to disable/enable the brakes (when the robot is deactivated) in EtherCAT.
- The message [2007]|as, hs, sm, es, pm, eob, eom| is now also sent over port 10 001 but automatically and as soon as the robot status changes.
- Added the command SetCheckpoint.
- (ROBOT-0064) Added the command SetMonitoringInterval that changes the refresh interval on port 10 001.
- A program can now be saved even if the robot is activated and homed.
- Added Request Log tab in the web interface where virtually all commands sent to the robot are now displayed.
- (ROBOt-0167) 0G Button works in EtherCAT mode as well as when the robot is connected to a computer via the web interface.
- Angular velocity (1A04h), Torque Ration (1A05h), Accelerometer (1A06h), Grippe Status (1A07h) and Configuration (1A08h) are now available as PDOs in EtherCAT
- New movement control (Move ID 6015h:1) added in EtherCAT.
- (ROBOT-0435) In the web interface, the loop option could cause the program to be sent more than once, even if looping was disabled.
- (ROBOT-0600) A Delay command sent immediately after a MoveLin command could generate a longer delay than requested.
- (ROBOT-0210) When executing one of the velocity-mode command with an argument that exceeded its maximum, the robot controller simply replaced the argument with its maximum value instead of generating an error.
- (ROBOT-0395) When homing with a joint being close to one of its limits, the robot fell in error mode or the resulting joint position was incorrect.
- (ROBOT-0424) Motion commands were sometimes ignored when the cycle time was set to 2ms in EtherCAT.
- (ROBOT-0456-0509) The sub-indices EOB, EOM and Paused was always kept high in EtherCAT.
- (ROBOT-0450) The command SetOfflineProgramLoop did not return an error message if sent while no program was being saved.
- (ROBOT-0480) The TRF and WRF frames were not reset on robot activation.
- (ROBOT-0493) Changed the TCP keep-alive timeout from 1 second to 10 second to prevent disconnection on packet loss.
- (ROBOT-0481) A movement could cause a motion error because the desired acceleration was higher that in the previous firmware version.
- (ROBOT-0484) When reconnecting to a robot from the web interface, the existing program was automatically sent for execution.
- The signal EOB was missing when the movement was short.
- (ROBOT-0430) Joint 6 was limited to ±175° in the web interface, instead of ±180°.
- The robot did not always recover from error mode.
- Impossible to reconnect when the Ethernet cable was disconnected while the port was open.
- Unit symbols were editable in the web interface.
- The IP address formatting in the web interface was not correct.
- The panels of the web interface did not resize correctly on small monitors.
- Jogging was blocked when a maximum value was reached.
- Names of register 6030h, 6031h and 6032h in EtherCAT were not correct.
- The Category 2 protective stop is now reset with the command ResetPStop.
- (ROBOT-0065) The grip force range for the MEPG25 has been changed to [10%, 100%] from [0%, 100%].
- (ROBOT-0107) An input field has been added next to the "Save offline program" button in the web interface for specifying the ID number of the program to be saved.
- The message numbers for joint sets and the pose feedback on the monitoring port (10 001) change to 2026 and 2027 respectively.
- (ROBOT-0125) Each offline program can now store up to 13 000 motion commands.
- For the offline program saving, new response messages (1030, 1031) replace the old ones (3018, 3013).
- (ROBOT-0472) The socket latency has been reduced.
- Commands in the Quick Command drop-down list are now in alphabetical order.
- PDOs 1601h, 1602h, 1603h, 1604h, 1605h, 1606h have been removed in EtherCAT.
- Moving communication mode from 7800h to 8000h in EtherCAT.
- Different acceleration affect the blending behavior now.